Zero Tolerance Policy

Fair play and good sportsmanship are fundamental lessons that we wish to teach our Players through our program, and we expect coaches and parents to set a good example for players in this regard at all times.

The BCSL is a strong supporter of the ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY in sports.

Therefore, swearing, verbal or physical aggression, abusive and/or violent action, bullying, malicious teasing or any excessive argumentativeness on the part of any participant toward any other participant during any event or program sponsored or organized by the BCSL, is completely contrary to the spirit and objectives of our program and therefore is absolutely unacceptable.

More specifically, we expect players to abide by the following Code-of-Conduct policy while in a BCSL uniform, i.e. before, during and after practices and games, or while participating in a BCSL-sponsored event, and expect Coaches, Parents and Referees to exemplify and enforce same:

  • Demonstrate sportsmanship and respect towards others, including players, coaches, League officials, parents, legal guardians, sponsors, other volunteers, spectators and local merchants.
  • Co-operate with and respect teammates and work hard for their team.
  • Recognize that winning is not why we play the game; having fun, improving skills, making friends, and doing their best are more important than the score.
  • Play by the rules.
  • Immediately after each match ends and before leaving the field or having a team meeting, all players and Coaches from both teams should line up at the middle of the field and shake hands.
  • It is the duty of Coaches to ensure that all participants in or attending an event sponsored by or organized by the BCSL are aware of and understand this Zero Tolerance Policy.
  • Non-compliance of this policy by any participant may result, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, in the ejection of the offending party from further participation in the event or program.