Q: What is the cost?
A: The 2025 fee per player is $250. The registration fee includes a jersey, shorts, socks, a practice ball, bag and a participation medal in divisions 4 to 11/12. Division 13/14 players receive a jersey, shorts, socks, a practice ball, bag and a year-end memento. Division 15/16/17 details to come.


Q: When does the season begin and end? 
A: The season generally begins the last week of May, and runs until the last week of August or first week of September depending on the division. Exact start/end dates are emailed to registrants sometime in April or early May once field permits have been confirmed by the City of Toronto’s Department of Parks and Recreation and by the Toronto District School Board.


Q: What age can they start? What night do they play?
A: We can accommodate players in the following Divisions:

Born 2021 – 4 Division
Monday Nights at Boardwalk Fields

Born 2020 – 5 Division
Tuesday Nights at Boardwalk Fields and Pantry Park

Born 2019 – 6 Division 
Tuesday Nights at Boardwalk Fields and Woodbine Park

Born 2018 – 7 Division 
Wednesday Nights at Boardwalk Fields and Pantry Park

Born 2017 – 8 Division
Wednesday Nights at Boardwalk Fields and Woodbine Park

Born 2016/2015 – 9/10 Division 
Thursday Nights at Boardwalk Fields, Pantry Park and Woodbine Park

Born 2014/2013 – 11/12 Division 
Monday Nights at Boardwalk Fields, Pantry Park and Woodbine Park

Born 2012/2011 – 13/14 Division
Thursday Nights at Cherry Beach Fields

Born 2010/2009/2008– 15/16/17 Division
TBD (was mostly Thursday Nights at Cherry Beach in 2024, with some Fridays at Pantry Park towards the end of the season)


Q: How often will my child play?
A: Once a week. Most divisions start with a 30 minute pre-game practice from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm, followed by a game at 7 pm. Division 11/12 may have slightly earlier or later start times due to field availability. 13/14 and 15/16/17 Divisions do not have a practice beforehand, and one-hour games are scheduled at either 6, 7 or 8 pm.


Q: Is the league co-ed?
A: Yes. All teams are co-ed, beginning in Division 4 all the way up to our Division 15/16/17.


Q: What if my chosen Division is full?
Once a division is full, applicants will be put on a waitlist (up to a maximum of 20 players). There is no charge for a waitlist registration. If a spot opens up during the season, players on the waitlist will be informed and payment will be finalized at that time.


Q: How do I get to my child to play with a particular friend or sibling?
A: All players must play in their proper age-group Division and are assigned to teams at the discretion of the League.  A coach’s or sponsor’s child is automatically assigned to their parent’s team. Players are automatically placed on the same team as their sibling, if they are in the same Division (unless a parent specifically requests otherwise during registration).


We are offering TWO mutual friend requests per player - all three players must have the same names in their requests or they will not be granted (i.e. Johnny asks for Nadia & Sam, Nadia must ask for Johnny and Sam, Sam must ask for Johnny and Nadia). We will do our best, but do not guarantee any requests.


A great deal of effort is taken by the League to form teams that are balanced for player skills, age and gender in order to provide a healthy recreational competitive environment. In past years when the League was smaller we did our best to accommodate special requests from players to be placed on the same team with friends for companionship or carpooling. Unfortunately it has now become administratively impossible to juggle all the variables of skills, gender, age, coach and sponsor children etc. in forming skill-balanced competitive teams at the same time as accommodating numerous special requests.

Players usually form new friendships very quickly on their teams. Coaches have team rosters showing the names of the team — from which you can certainly find somebody to carpool with. On the other hand, if we have made a genuine MISTAKE in your team assignment (wrong age group, siblings not together) please let the League know this immediately.


Q: What size ball do they play with?
A: The kids play with balls appropriate to their foot size. A child playing with a ball too large can have difficulties that they wouldn’t have had, if they had the correct size.

Division Size
4, 5, 6 Divisions 3
7, 8  Divisions 4
9/10 Division 4
11/12, 13/14/15 Divisions 5


Q: What equipment does my child need?
A: Each player receives a full uniform and ball. Shin guards must be purchased separately and are mandatory for all games and practices. Soccer shoes/cleats improve traction and may prevent injuries. The League highly recommends that all players (except the 4 Division) wear soccer shoes to help with their footing on the grass.

All players MUST wear their team jersey for every game.


Q: How do I become a Coach?
A: Coaches are all volunteers. BCSL will help educate you in the game of soccer with several soccer clinics conducted by our Director of Operations and professional coaches. The easiest way to become a Coach is to sign up when you are registering your child. We will contact you to talk about coaching once we start to form teams. You can also email us soccerinthebeach@gmail.com.


Q: Does my child need playing experience?
A: We accept children of all playing abilities. As this is a recreational league, emphasis is placed on fun and learning soccer.


Q: What happens if it rains?
A: Since the season is so short and doesn’t allow for make-up days, games will go on even if it is raining, unless there is an electrical storm. During heavy rainfall, the referee may choose to delay the game for 15 minutes or so to see if the rain lightens at all. Please check our website on game days if the weather is questionable.


Q: Who is responsible for the behaviour of the spectators?
A: The Coach is responsible for the behaviour of the parents, players and spectators. Please refer to our Code of Conduct for parents and spectators here, or our Code of Conduct for Coaches here.


Q: My child’s uniform doesn’t fit properly. What can I do?
A: The Coach receives a wide range of uniform sizes, and the League requests that the Coach hand out uniforms according to the player’s size and not on the numbers the player requests. In the event that an alternate size is still required, the Coach should contact the League office. We err on the side of jerseys being too large.


Q: My child is going to be away for a few weeks – should I tell someone?
A: You should let your Coach know if your child won’t be there for any game, so s/he can properly prepare for that week’s game.


Q: When and why does the League do team balancing?
A: The objective of the House League program is for each and every player to have an equal opportunity to participate and have fun while playing the game of soccer. The abilities of house league players are wide ranging, and team balancing is required to ensure that each team has an equal number of players with wide ranging abilities. The League will make every attempt to finalize team balancing prior to the first game of the season; however, if teams continue to be significantly imbalanced, the League will conduct team re-balancing after the first few games of the season.


Q: The Coach doesn’t play my child enough. What can I do about it?
A: The policy for the House League program is that all players should receive an equal amount of the total on-field playing time, no matter the skill level or ability of the player. If you feel your Coach is not following this policy, e-mail us at soccerinthebeach@gmail.com.


Q: I want to lodge a complaint about the field conditions. Who do l contact?
A: The City of Toronto is responsible for the field conditions. When there are problems with the fields, the League normally contacts the City and the problem is quickly resolved.


Q: I have lost my practice ball. Can I get a replacement?
A: The League normally has extra balls in inventory, and for a nominal fee ($15 as of January 2024), the League can replace any lost balls. Visit the Field Manager on duty at the shed at Pantry Park or Woodbine Field during game times.


Q: No referee showed up for our game. What should be done?
A: Our Director of Officiating assigns referees for every scheduled game; however, sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, a referee is unable to make the game. If the Director is notified of a referee’s unavailability, they try to reassign the game, but a substitute cannot always be found. If no referee shows up, the home coach shall referee the first half, and the visiting coach shall referee the second half.


Q: In my opinion, the referee made a really bad call. What can I do about it?
A: The referee is often closer to the action on the field than the spectators, which gives him or her a different perspective. Also, the spectators have the entire field in front of them, whereas the referee only sees what is in front of him or her. All League referees do attend a yearly training course to familiarize themselves with the rules and how to interpret them on the field. The decision of the referee is final and cannot be appealed, but coaches may call the Director of Officiating to discuss the situation with him. In any case, no parent, spectator, player or coach shall shout, confront, or abuse a referee for any call.


Q: The other team does not have enough players to field a team. What should we do?
A: In the event that one team has less than the required number of players, the opposing team shall field the same number of players in the spirit of the game or lend some of their players to the other team. If numbers are low for each team the field can be shortened accordingly.


Q: Where do I receive the League participation medal?
A: All house league medals for players ages 4 – 12 are distributed at the last game of the season. Coaches will provide parents with further details closer to the date. If you are unable to attend on the day, you may make arrangements to pick up your trophy from your coach.


Q: My child wants to try out for a rep team. Whom do I contact?
A: We do not offer rep soccer at this time.


Q: What about indoor soccer?
A: No, the BCSL does not offer indoor soccer.


Q: How do I volunteer for the League?
A: The League always welcomes volunteers. For further information, please contact the League office at soccerinthebeach@gmail.com.